2024 Disney World

Flight landed at BWI early

Landed at 3:56 PM with enough time for a bathroom visit and quick snack before we board our flight to Orlando.

2024 Disney World

On a plane

2024 Disney World


We are changing planes in Baltimore, not because there were no direct flights but because going through Baltimore will get us to Orlando, 2 hours earlier. we need to go to bed really early tonight as we will be inside Magic Kingdom tomorrow by 7:30 AM.

We will be boarding our plane to BWI in about 30 minutes.

2024 Disney World

I love 3pm flights

Arrived at airport at 12:28pm. No line for security. No line to buy lunch. Barely any people anywhere.

From the border to getting through TSA took less than 45 minutes.

2024 Disney World

On our way

We left home on time at 10:30 AM. Crossed the border at 11:57 AM in Lewiston. There was no wait. We stopped at the stop sign and basically rolled right up to the agent.

2024 Disney World

Spur-of-the-moment Disney Trip

I stumbled across a Southwest sale and ended up with 2 round trip tickets to Orlando for under $500 CAD.

We weren’t sure we were going to go to Disney World when we booked the flights but it was an option we were considering.

2023 Myrtle Beach

4 hours later

Harry was without his glasses for about four hours. Leanne took him to get not one new pair but two new pairs for 160 USD. (Edit: It would have been 199 USD for a single pair but with the back-to-school special it was actually cheaper to buy two pairs! LC)

Harry and Leanne had a nice time drinking expensive coffee and sharing a muffin while they waited for the new glasses, which were ready in 52 minutes. (Edit: We went to Panera Bread, which was right next to the Eyemart Express, and both the cranberry muffin and the dark roast coffee were delicious! LC)

I got to work and Daisy and Magnolia got to watch Poppy

2023 Myrtle Beach

Morning at the beach

We spent the morning at the beach. The ocean was so warm that Harry and I spent quite a while, bobbing up and down on the waves. Then a slightly large wave crashed over our heads and stole Harry’s glasses.

John & Harry enjoying the waves
The wandering beach cat Poppy said was “so cute!”
Burying Daisy
2023 Myrtle Beach

Arrived in Myrtle Beach

Didn’t bother stopping again until Myrtle Beach.

Had lunch at McDonald’s at 2:19pm. Bought some metal sand shovels around 3pm and checked in to Beach Colony at 3:15pm.

2023 Myrtle Beach


Stopped at North Carolina rest area at 11:15 back on the road 1125

2023 Myrtle Beach


Stopped for coffeez at 9:35 AM. Back on the road 9:40 AM.

2023 Myrtle Beach


2023 Myrtle Beach

Day 2

Went to bed before 9 PM last night. Well, everyone except Poppy of course.

Breakfast at 7:30 AM back at the room by 8 AM on the road 8:45 AM. Harry, Maggie and I enjoyed the biscuits and sausage gravy.

2023 Myrtle Beach

Supper at Denny’s

6:04pm, gas 7:10pm back at hotel 7:20 PM

2023 Myrtle Beach

Super 8 Fort Chiswell

Checked in to Super 8 in Fort Chiswell 5:50pm.

2023 Myrtle Beach

Canyon Rim

Stopped at Canyon Rim Visitor Centre in Lansing West Virginia at 3:30 PM. Back on the road 4:10pm

2023 Myrtle Beach

West Virginia

Arrived in West Virginia at 1:08pm

2023 Myrtle Beach

Lunch at Wendys

Stopped for lunch at Wendy’s in Waynesburg PA at 12:05 PM. Finished lunch and back on the road at 12:55 PM

2023 Myrtle Beach


Stopped for coffee and gas at 10:20 AM in Portersville PA

Back on the road 10:37 AM

2023 Myrtle Beach

McDonald’s Pennsylvania

Stopped for breakfast at McDonald’s at 8:00 AM in Pennsylvania.. Just across the state line.

Back on the road 8:45 AM