2013 Disney World

Main Street Electrical Parade

Main Street electrical parade

2013 Disney World

Last breakfast at POP Century

Last Breakfast at POP Century. Actually managed to use all our credits.

2013 Disney World

Saddest ride in Florida

Most depressing ride for any Florida trip.

2013 Disney World

Back at MCO :(

Airport. Magic express picked us up at Pop Century around 8:25am. Watched Disney branded America’s funniest home videos on bus. Arrived at airport about 9:00am. Had to check luggage at airport because of Southwest and AirTran merger causing issues. Security was pretty quick, maybe 10min. Much better than Buffalo

2013 Disney World

More Hoop Dee Doo Photos

More pictures from Hoop Dee Doo. Nothing better than having someone sing to you about the food you’re about to eat. Our waitress even came out on stage with the tray of strawberry shortcake. It was scrumptious – worth singing about!!

2013 Disney World

Landing to car in 10 min

Landing to car in 10 min. Wow!