2014 Disney World

View from California Grill

The view from the California Grill

2014 Disney World

The food at California Grill

I had the bison tenderloin with baby brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes. Leanne had the Alaskan halibut with parsnip “silk” (puree) and both yellow and red beets. For dessert I had the sundae sampler (caramel sundae, root beer float and banana split) and Leanne had the warm homemade banana fritters with caramel, chocolate, and peanut butter dips. Harry loved the fritters. They were kind of like relief sale tea balls but banana flavoured. Overall the food was great but the portions were small and the price was crazy expensive.

2014 Disney World

Napping before dinner

After watching the Festival of Fantasy parade and the Dapper Dans, we walked to the Contemporary resort where Harry promptly fell asleep. We killed time by walking around the lovely cool, quiet halls until it was time for our dinner reservation at the California Grill.

2014 Disney World

Dinner at California Grill

Inside the California Grill, first in the waiting lounge and then at our table. What a beautiful view! The boy did wake up eventually when a noisy little princess at the table beside us neglected to use her inside voice. It was a good thing though because he wouldn’t have wanted to miss sampling the delicious food, especially dessert! Great friendly service too, by the way. Our waiter was from Morocco I saw on his name badge.

2014 Disney World


Yesterday we met Dug the dog and Russell the little boy from the movie Up. Since this is not one of the most popular character greetings, we didn’t have to wait long in line and we could watch the other people in front of us meeting the pair. When we got to the front I lifted Harry out of his stroller and told him it was our turn next. He took one look at Dug and Russell, put his hands up to his face and exclaimed, “Oh my!” It was so priceless, I wish we would have captured it on camera.
Russell gave me and Harry a big hug and then Dug put out his paw to shake our hands. Harry was quite happy to see them both and probably would have loved to stay with them longer, but we had to let the next people have their turn. He happily followed my encouragement to wave bye-bye and then as we walked away he blew them a kiss.

2014 Disney World

Harry’s favourite Magic Kingdom rides (so far)

1. Winnie the Pooh (no surprise there)
2. Ariel’s Undersea Adventure (he loved the singing fish)
3. It’s a Small World (now whenever we walk past he cranes his neck to look at it)

2014 Disney World

Polish Food

Sampling some of the Polish food at the Epcot Food & Wine Festival! Top: sauerkraut pierogi with pork goulash. Bottom: kielbasa and potato pierogi (the winner).

Forgot to take pictures but we also tried the shrimp taco, rib eye taco, and sweet corn cheesecake at the Mexico pavilion. All of which were delicious.

2014 Disney World

Mahi Mahi and Berbere beef

Seared mahi mahi (white fish) from Singapore and Berbere style beef tenderloin tips from Africa – Epcot Food and Wine Festival

2014 Disney World

Hi Grandpa and Grandma from the California Grill

Hi Grandpa and Grandma

2014 Disney World

Banana Fritters at California Grill

Harry enjoying his banana fritters

2014 Disney World

Mickey Stickers

They gave him Mickey stickers at the entrance to Magic Kingdom.

2014 Disney World

Wilderness Explorers Club House

2014 Disney World

Magic Kingdom Electrical Parade

Magic Kingdom Electrical Parade. Harry was waving at all the floats.

2014 Disney World

The Seas

Harry loved watching the fishes in the Seas pavilion. He did not like Turtle talk with Crush.

2014 Disney World

Fish, fish, fish…

“Fish, fish, fish…”

2014 Disney World

Fire Truck at Innoventions

Playing with the fire truck in Innoventions at Epcot

2014 Disney World

Winnie the Pooh and Harry too!

Leave me alone and let me eat!

2014 Disney World

Piglet at the Crystal Palace

For these pictures to make sense you must know that the wall Harry is facing is all mirrors. He seemed rather pleased to meet Piglet for about 1 second. Just seeing him so big was enough for Harry.

The pictures with Harry’s mouth wide open is delighted shock almost made up for the torture it was to make it through dinner and waiting to get a table for dinner

2014 Disney World

Eeyore at the Crystal Palace

We met Pooh and Piglet before we went up to the buffet so poor Eeyore was not as exciting as all the wonderful foods he got to eat. He even guzzled down some sweat tea.

Harry was way too tired for dinner with Pooh but we really didn’t want to cancel our very hard to get reservation. Harry seemed to be happily eating his applesauce so I told Leanne to get some food. Big mistake. About 10 seconds later Harry noticed she was gone and starting screaming and tried to throw himself out of his high chair. He did not calm down until Leanne came back. Needless to say that was Leanne’s last trip to the buffet. Harry lasted about 45 minutes and then Leanne took him out. We missed Tigger but we saw the other 3. We were lucky we got to see Pooh because he is on a 1.5h rotation.

2014 Disney World


Harry fell asleep on the bus again and I couldn’t resist testing out his mouse ears.