The rain started as we drove back to the condo, as predicted.
The rain started as we drove back to the condo, as predicted.
Only Harry was brave enough to go in the water. High of 23C today with rain starting around 1pm.
The rain stopped but it was still cloudy and windy outside so we swam in the indoor pool.
For dinner we got take-out—delicious fried chicken, biscuits, fries, “botato” rounds, Cajun pinto beans, coleslaw, and “legendary” unsweetened iced tea. It came in two giant “Happy Meal boxes” as Daisy called them.
As we were leaving the beach this morning Poppy exclaimed, “I love a beach! Bye bye beach!”
Harry was without his glasses for about four hours. Leanne took him to get not one new pair but two new pairs for 160 USD. (Edit: It would have been 199 USD for a single pair but with the back-to-school special it was actually cheaper to buy two pairs! LC)
Harry and Leanne had a nice time drinking expensive coffee and sharing a muffin while they waited for the new glasses, which were ready in 52 minutes. (Edit: We went to Panera Bread, which was right next to the Eyemart Express, and both the cranberry muffin and the dark roast coffee were delicious! LC)
I got to work and Daisy and Magnolia got to watch Poppy
We spent the morning at the beach. The ocean was so warm that Harry and I spent quite a while, bobbing up and down on the waves. Then a slightly large wave crashed over our heads and stole Harry’s glasses.
Didn’t bother stopping again until Myrtle Beach.
Had lunch at McDonald’s at 2:19pm. Bought some metal sand shovels around 3pm and checked in to Beach Colony at 3:15pm.
Stopped at North Carolina rest area at 11:15 back on the road 1125
Stopped for coffeez at 9:35 AM. Back on the road 9:40 AM.
Went to bed before 9 PM last night. Well, everyone except Poppy of course.
Breakfast at 7:30 AM back at the room by 8 AM on the road 8:45 AM. Harry, Maggie and I enjoyed the biscuits and sausage gravy.