2014 Disney World

Dumbo Ride Play Area

This is the waiting play area for the Dumbo ride. It’s really great for kids. They give you a pager and then let you play until your pager beeps. Harry loved the fire truck so much that he didn’t want to share. We made it onto the Dumbo ride for about 5 seconds then left because Harry started screaming and wouldn’t sit in the seat with us. We were just at the Haunted Mansion before this and he did great.

2014 Disney World

Small World

He really liked the Small World ride. Lots of stuff to look at.

2014 Disney World

Taxi in Hollywood Studios

Harry playing with an old taxi cab. He was driving his train on the back bumper. He would have done that for hours if we would have let him.

2014 Disney World

No more “Mick”

Harry was still asleep at 8:05 this morning. He eventually woke up with a little encouragement and couldn’t wait to get in his stroller to see “Mickey”. He now uses Mickey’s full first name.

2014 Disney World

Leftover Dessert

Breakfast aka Sunday’s leftover dessert

2014 Disney World

Cruising through the Forests of Endor

Harry on a 74-Z Speeder bike cruising through the forests of Endor

2014 Disney World


This morning I woke up early, showered, got dressed in the dark, and went down to the food court to get our coffee before Harry woke up. It wasn’t until much later as I was brushing my teeth after breakfast that I looked at myself in the full length mirror and had to laugh because I realized my blue jean skort was on backwards. The back pockets were on the front and the fake fly was on the back. Don’t worry, only dozens of people saw me. It’s not like the resort was deserted or anything.

2014 Disney World

Olaf Puppet

They gave us an Olaf puppet at the entrance to Hollywood Studios. He got kind of wrecked from being in the bottom of the stroller and dragged along the ground a bit. I could probably make one at home—that looks like a paint stirring stick.

2014 Disney World

Harry cleaning his ear with a glow stick

Harry cleaning his ear out so he can hear the loud noises of Fantasmic

2014 Disney World

Harry identifying our Magic Bands

Harry was identifying the owner of each Magic Band and the colour.

2014 Disney World

Harry loves seeing “Mick”

Harry loves seeing “Mick” every time we go to our room. Oh and did you know the Deluxe resorts ($300+ per night) don’t have these huge Disney characters?

2014 Disney World


On the bus heading back to the room to work/nap.

2014 Disney World

More snow in Florida

More snow

2014 Disney World

POP Century view from our room

Our view from our room

2014 Disney World

Brrrr…Florida is cold!

Brrrr! The weather is so cold down here in Florida that Harry was able to play in the snow.
He had to wear his shorts because we forgot to pack his snow suit.

2014 Disney World

Looking out the window

Little Harry looking out the window.

2014 Disney World

Free Timbits were “Num, num!”

The free timbits were num num according to Harry. Honey dipped!

John’s new phone made a handy “mini iPad” while waiting to board. We also found the Fisher Price Play Gate which had a slide, musical activity tables, and ride-on zebras (all made by Fisher Price of course). Harry loved that area. It kept him busy and let him burn off some energy before we got on the plane.

The highlight of the Pop Century resort so far for Harry has been the kiddie pool in the 1960’s themed area (near the Hippy Dippy Pool). He had great fun splashing around and wading through the extremely shallow water (notwithstanding a minor incident involving swallowing and regurgitating said water all over his mother).

After a nice warm shower and some bedtime stories, we basically all got ready for bed and darkened the room. Then I sang to Harry and put him in his pack and play. He was asleep by 8:45 which isn’t really too much later than normal. Could have been worse. All in all, a good first day, topped off with an amazing view of the fireworks right outside our window. And thankfully the noise from that didn’t even faze our sleeping boy. What a trooper!

2014 Disney World

Magical Express

Harry was humming to himself and looking out the window of the Magical Express. The next thing we knew he was fast asleep.

2014 Disney World

Frozen Spectacular fireworks seen from POP Century

We could see the Frozen Spectacular fireworks at Hollywood Studios from our room. We have a great view of the lake and the Art of Animation resort.

2014 Disney World

Dinner at POP Century

Dinner at Everything POP. Meatball sub and turkey sandwich. I’ll post pictures of the desert before we eat them. We had strawberry milk!